

苏珊·乔治。 2022年9月19日

网络管理工具随着其他技术的发展而迅速发展. 随着我们全速进入人工智能和机器学习的时代, more and more enterprises find themselves saddled with more network management tools than they can reasonably handle – up to 25 in some extreme cases.

这种超负荷导致了一个自然的结果——整合的欲望. Network tools consolidation simplifies the management process dramatically and delivers other knock-on benefits, 包括减少IT的时间和麻烦. 关于合并过程,你应该知道些什么呢?


网络整合 is the reduction of network-connected devices and components, 例如线缆和PCIe端口. 这也是网络管理工具的减少. 随着成分的减少, so too does the number of management tools in place (since many of these tools are mandated by device manufacturers, 而不是那些正在整合网络的企业。).



Network complexity is the driving force behind the demand for network 监控 tools. After all, the more components there are within a network, the greater need there is for 监控. 所以,反过来也是对的. 简单易求. 网络越精简,对这么多管理工具的需求就越少. 然而,对这些工具的需求并没有消失. 相反,我们看到组织转向一套统一的工具来 优化他们的网络性能.


The term “unified network management tools” refers to the process of consolidating tools to the bare minimum. 挑战在于确定最小值的位置是困难的. 这是因为有些工具只做一两件事. 其他工具可以做很多事情,但没有工具可以做所有的事情.

So, organizations are faced with the process of winnowing through their slate of network management tools, 决定哪些该留,哪些该丢, 然后建立一个工具箱,包含所有需要的东西.


网络工具集整合不是一个可以偷工减料的过程. 遵循最佳实践至关重要. 下面, we’ve mapped out helpful steps so that you can begin cutting out unnecessary tools while keeping those you’ll need for the long run.


除非你知道你在哪里,否则你无法确定你要去哪里. The first step here is to take an accurate inventory of the tools that you have. 这应该包括供应商、开源和内部工具. 然而, you must do more than just list what tools you have and where they’re from. 你需要知道:

  • 每个工具的特性、功能、能力和用途.
  • 每个工具与其他工具重叠的地方.
  • 一个不再在组织工作的网络管理员带来了什么工具.
  • 没有提供太多实用或价值的工具.
  • 哪些工具是冗余的,并被用作主要工具的备份.


One interesting trend within the networking industry is that network managers sometimes build their own tools to automate specific functions. 虽然这在当时看起来是个好主意, 它最终使我们正在讨论的问题恶化.

在你的库存阶段, make sure to carefully consider any in-house tools developed by your managers that serve very narrow purposes. 这些可能需要被消除.


时机是另一个重要的考虑因素. 最好在许可证到期时采取行动. 当供应商发布新版本时,您还应该考虑整合, 因为您将有机会识别新的(和需要的)功能, 这可以让您删除额外的工具.


Make sure that every tool you retain also has formalized processes and practices for 管理 and maintaining it. This ensures that there are documented, codified processes that everyone can follow. That eliminates conjecture and ensures that everyone is on the same page when it comes to tool usage and maintenance.



组织需要一个统一的解决方案,而不是一个碎片化的环境. 为了实现这个目标, you’ll need to work with each vendor to determine how their tools can be used with data from other vendors. It’s best to ask upfront for a walk-through of how data from their tool can be integrated with data from other vendors so that you can create a unified management platform.


自动化可以节省时间、金钱和麻烦. It frees IT team members from manual tasks and allows them to focus on other things. 但是,要明白 网络自动化 和编曲不一样吗. 自动化适用于单个任务, while orchestration is the arrangement and management of multiple automated tasks into a workflow. 然而, 通过自动化(以及在必要的时间和地点进行编排), 您可以减少花在处理网络工具上的时间.


组织内的其他IT组也使用网络管理工具. Look for ways to consolidate across the entire IT landscape, including DevOps and cybersecurity. It may be that these IT groups have tools better suited to the needs of the entire network. Alternatively, those tools might be superfluous when compared to tools currently in use.


在考虑你的选择时, look for tool developers that allow their log data to be used by other platforms to surface important insights, 类事件相关, 以及更好的网络管理功能. AIOps tools are just one example of areas where vendor log data can be used in this way.


为什么要考虑网络管理工具整合? 这一切都是为了实现关键任务的好处和优势. 其中包括:

  • You’re able to increase productivity for the entire IT team by removing unnecessary tools.
  • You free information to be used in other areas when you’re no longer bound by manufacturer-specific tools that don’t play well with others.
  • 您减少了所需的培训量, 这反过来又能让你恢复宝贵的时间, 以及减少与培训相关的总体成本.
  • 一个单一的平台和已知的工具与编码, 形式化的流程简化了可管理性并简化了工作流.
  • 使用统一视图, 你可以随时看到整个网络发生了什么, 从单一的管理系统, 而不是在不同的系统之间切换.
  • You’re able to enhance collaboration and workflows across different IT groups and throughout the entire organization.
  • Network management tool consolidation offers improved context for network incidents and reduces the amount of time required to research incident causes and effects.
  • 您大大减少了对新的网络监视工具的需求, unless those tools not only integrate with your existing platform but also bring new functionality, 同时也可以让你摆脱一个老人, 现有的工具.


网络整合, 并在一定程度上整合网络管理工具, 会带来一些安全和带宽方面的问题吗. 例如, network consolidation can create bottlenecks that slow the flow of information through your organization. As network components are reduced, traffic streams must compete for bandwidth/pathways. QoS可以帮助您 网络容量管理 这样才能保持性能.

Some of the security vulnerabilities introduced include leaving Fibre Channel traffic open to malicious activities that affect other traffic. Usually, Fibre Channel traffic moves through a dedicated connection between a SAN and a server. 然而, 通过网络整合, those channels may merge with network segments that handle other types of traffic. Of course, those traffic flows are usually only combined from the server to the converged switch. 使用一个 网络流量分析器 这里可以帮助在问题和威胁成为主要问题之前发现它们.


随着网络复杂性的上升, 网络工具整合对于实现有效的IT运营至关重要. 虽然这看起来是一项相当艰巨的任务, 整合环境中的网络工具实际上非常简单! 这一切都是为了找到合适的网络监控和管理解决方案.

Entuity软件™ from Park Place Technologies offers an all-in-one solution for discovering, 监控, 管理, 在无数设备上优化你的整个网络. 代表了多种不同网络工具的可靠替代方案 企业网络监控管理软件 以训练时间短而闻名, 易于管理和管理, 以及与主要框架环境的无缝集成.

安排一个演示 and discover how Entuity软件™ can help your IT team fight tool sprawl today!


Susan是Entuity软件的高级产品经理, the industry-leading network performance 监控 software from Park Place Technologies. Susan is responsible for defining and driving the functionality available within Entuity, 以及推动全球产品路线图.